Whole Chicken Broilers For Sale
We butchered and packaged 50 meat birds this past weekend. We had processed two batches last summer and plucked them by hand but this year I rented, from Roxbury Farm in Columbia County, a Featherman Plucker and it worked like a charm. It took me and two other people five hours to butcher, and process these birds. I think it is beneficial to leave these birds to sit and rest unfrozen for a few days before they are frozen so we will have fresh chickens this weekend at East Durham Farms for Sale and then frozen birds available as long as supplies last. We will eb processign another 50 birds in a few weeks. To keep things easy we are charging $5.00 a pound with most birds in the 3-5 pound range. Remember these are free range birds raised on organic grain from Cold Spring Farms and given fresh grasss to graze daily.