Summer on the Farm

So much is happening on a working farm this time of year it is tough to discuss one topic.  Multiple rounds of seeds have been started and planted, piglets have been born, the Farm Store has now been open for a few weeks and is doing very well, we have harvested and eaten our first cucumbers and summer squash, the lists goes on.  All these things are positive and enjoyable but they come with challenges and learning experiences.  We have been battling Striped Cucumber Beetles for over a month now with some limited success with an Organic product called Pyganic and Surround.  We forgot to properly disinfect used seed trays and had to restart about 10 trays of late Summer and Fall seedlings.  Japanese Beetles appeared this week on our blueberries.

These and all farm challlenges and rewards are met with enjoyment and learning.  I learn that mother nature is unpredicatable and in control but continue to win and loose battles and love the quest for knowledge and winning small battles.    I am building a small sustainable farm to help feed people healthy food and to enjoy the experience.  Please help support out efforts and come visit and provide us with feedback.


I took the picture above in a pasture I am renovating for beef cows.  The theory being that the sooner you cut the field the less weed seeds that will be available next year.  Unfortunately the front and center weed, black eyed susan is already established and will likely return next year without the need for seeds!!  The Battle Continues!!!


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