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The 2015 Growing Season has Begun
Attending the NOFA conference for me always signifies the beginning of the growing season. While no seeds have been planted yet the conference gets me thinking about seeds, soil and our planting schedules. The conference lasts three days in Saratoga Springs and always contains a great amount of knowledge. This year I listened to different presenters […]
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The Growing Season Is Wrapping Up Nicely
The pumpkins and gourds are being harvested for the Fall season and are available for purchase in our Farm Store. I can remember a time back in 2009 or 2010 when I could not get a pumpkin to grow at East Durham Farms. We seem to have solved that issue over the past two growing […]
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Harvest Goals and Accomplishments
This years bounty has been coming in since the Spring, beginning with Asparagus, but now is the time of the year when everything we grow is available. As you can see in the picture we have Red Potatoes, Yukon Gold Potatoes and Russets, Corn, Delicata Squash, Zucchini, Eggplant and Summer Squash, Hot Peppers, Sweet Peppers and both […]
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Summer on the Farm
So much is happening on a working farm this time of year it is tough to discuss one topic. Multiple rounds of seeds have been started and planted, piglets have been born, the Farm Store has now been open for a few weeks and is doing very well, we have harvested and eaten our first […]
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Plow in the ground
On May 12, 2014 we put a plow into the ground here at East Durham Farms. While I had plowed two weeks earlier to plant potatoes, it was a much smaller area. Here I am plowing under a Fall planting of winter wheat. It grew about 6 inches this Spring and I think anything is […]
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Potatoes and Peas
Last weekend we were able to plant our potatoes and peas. We started out with 75 pounds of seed potatoes from Johnny’s Seed and on Friday cut them up so that each piece had at least one eye. We planted three varieities, a russet, Yukon Gold and a red potato called Red Norland. This year […]
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Spring Piglets
This was the first day that we opened the barn door and allowed the Tamworth piglets to enjoy the sunshine. In this photo they are about 3 weeks old and we felt they needed the Vitamin D more than protection from the cold winds. That was about two weeks ago and now they currently have […]
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Spring is right around the corner
I don’t want anyone to think that we have not been busy through the late Winter here at East Durham Farms. One think no farm lacks is a tremendous amount of work. We have begun to start our seeds inside in a warm place. They will then get rotated from the house to a heated […]
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NOFA-NY Winter Conference
One Conference I look forward to every winter is the NOFA-NY conference. I have been attending now for three years and every year seems to get better and better. Well I will admit two years ago Michael Phillips of the Organic Orcahrdist fame gave a whole day lecture on apple trees and that still remains […]
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Cleaning up for the year
The lack of a serious frost until this week allowed us to leave crops in the ground much longer this year. These Waltham Butternut squash would not have been harmed by the frost but many other things such as tomatoes and pumpkins would have been damaged. Nonetheless, we finished cleaning up the main gardens the […]